Fluoride Exposure and Children’s IQ: A Concerning Link Uncovered

Children’s exposure to fluoride and its potential impact on intelligence has sparked considerable debate, fueled by a government-led study that reveals concerning findings. Over nine years, scientists reviewed evidence on how fluoride levels relate to IQ in children. The research concluded that for every 1 part per million increase in fluoride in a child’s urine, there is an approximate 1-point drop in IQ. While this effect may seem minor on an individual level, the collective impact could be profound, particularly for vulnerable populations.

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For example, a 5-point average IQ decline could nearly double the number of individuals categorized as intellectually disabled, the researchers noted. Published in JAMA Pediatrics, the study’s findings prompted a federal judge to urge the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to reconsider its fluoride regulations to safeguard children’s cognitive development.

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Fluoride, a mineral found naturally in soil, rocks, and water, is also an additive in drinking water to combat tooth decay. When applied to teeth, it fortifies enamel and prevents early decay. However, in areas with excessive fluoride exposure, conditions like dental fluorosis—marked by streaks and spots on teeth—can emerge, raising questions about the mineral’s broader health implications.

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